Wednesday, March 9, 2011

68/365 Pressed Flowers

When we moved to Texas nearly 13 years ago, I just loved all the beautiful wildflowers I saw that first spring.  My little boys and I would go for walks and pick flowers.  And I pressed them.  I even have a microwave press, but I pressed most of them the old fashioned way, in a book.  I used two telephone books, and stuffed the pages.  One book had mostly flowers; the other one had mostly leaves and greenery.  I always thought I would do some project with them, but never did.  The phone books have been in a closet that I've cleaned out many times over the years and I just kept putting the phone books back in.  But this time, I'm getting rid of the phone books.  I'm kind of sad to see the flowers go, because when I see them, I'm reminded of those sweet days spent with my boys.  So, I thought it would be nice to photograph a few of them.  I think this photo kind of looks like a botanical print.  Maybe I'll frame it and I'll be able to see the flowers every day.  And that beats having them in a book in the closet.

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