Monday, October 31, 2011

304/365 Ooooh...Scary

Tonight there was a spider hovering over our front door.  Creepy.  Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

303/365 Lights

My husband and I went to the lighting store today.  It was a really neat place to take photos. I could have stayed in there for hours snapping away.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

301/365 Another Friday Night

Tonight we went to the high school football game.  Besides the wonderful band performance, one highlight of the evening was the streaker who came onto the field during the game.  I had my trusty camera around my neck and snapped away!  This is one of the "nicer" (less revealing) shots.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

300/365 First of the Season

We finally had a cold day today - windy and rainy.  It's a good night for a fire.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

299/365 Watching the Band

Tonight I went with friends to watch the marching band practice in the stadium.  I was in seat number 30.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

298/365 They Love Me

Whenever I serve chili dogs to my family, I feel kind of guilty.  They are so not healthy and way too simple.  But my three guys think I'm the greatest when we have them for dinner!

Monday, October 24, 2011

297/365 Foggy Morning

I've been looking for a chance to get some photos in the fog.  Well, today was the day.  I had a hard time choosing which picture would be my photo of the day.  I decided that since these beautiful creatures decided to come into my view (they were nowhere near me when I started shooting in this spot), that they deserved to be in my photo.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

296/365 Web

I liked the design the entryway light threw onto the ceiling.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

295/365 Self-Portrait

I'm cheating today, stealing a photo from a couple days ago.  I took it when I went shopping with my son.  I've always wanted to take pictures in this store; there is some really cool stuff.  So while my son shopped, I clicked.  I didn't realize until I got home, that I got myself in the shot!

Friday, October 21, 2011

294/365 Go Jags!

Another Friday night, another high school football game.  The team had a tough loss tonight.  Hopefully they'll have a better game next week.  We will be there cheering them on.  Go Jaguars!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

293/365 Love that Fall Color

We still don't have any beautiful fall colors here in North Texas.  But I do love fall color, even if it is fake.  They do a nice job decorating at the local nursery.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

292/365 Ahhh, The Power

Today is National Electricity Day.  I'm not sure how one is to celebrate this day.  Perhaps we should take a moment to give thanks for the power strip. (added texture by ellenvd on flickr)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

291/365 Sweet Viola

I love these flowers.  They look like mini pansies. They are very prolific.  And to deadhead them, you just need to shear off the top of the clump and you get a bunch more blooms. (added texture48 by ellenvd on flickr)

Monday, October 17, 2011

290/365 Rat-a-Tat-Tat

Having a little editing fun tonight.  This shot is for my drumming son, Kevin.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

289/365 Finally Finished

I have been working on this birdbath forever.  I would work on it for a while, then set aside for several weeks or months until I worked on it a little bit more.  And it went like that for more than two years.  Well, it's finally finished.  It is in the backyard.  It's final resting place isn't prepared yet.  I will get to that later this week.  But soon the birdies can enjoy it!  (I wish I had turned it a little, for a better view.)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

288/365 What I Did Today

I finished off several mosaic pieces today -- sealed the birdbath and a couple garden stones.  I also used black grout for the first time, on these two pieces.  I think it was perfect for the cross.  I think I would have preferred a very dark gray for the stepping stone, but I'm okay with the black.  It's nice to get some things finished!

Friday, October 14, 2011

287/365 Homecoming: It's All About the Mum

It's a Texas tradition.  On homecoming many girls wear mums.  These are the mums that belong to this year's cheerleaders.  Usually the mums are in the school colors.  When the girl is a senior, her mum will have three mum flowers and usually be white and silver, although I noticed that this year several had a bit of color as well.  These are actually worn by hanging them around the girl's neck.  Everything's bigger in Texas and homecoming mums are no exception! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

286/365 Collection

My husband, Gary, and I collect vintage cast iron trivets.  We collect only the plain black cast iron ones.   I like the contrast between them and the kitchen's yellow wall.  These are just a few of our collection.  (I added a texture from SKC Photography)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

285/365 Guess What I'm Making Tomorrow?

Tomorrow I'm making a HUGE batch of brownies.  They are for Friday night's drumline dinner.  Parents take turns hosting the drumline kids before the home games.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

284/365 Do Not Open 'Til After Thanksgiving

Today I bought some Christmas ribbon, because frankly, if you have something in mind that you want, you'd better snatch it up before Halloween, because it might be gone afterward.  However, I will not be using it until after I've passed out candy to little kiddos who come to my door on October 31, and after I've paused to give thanks, at Thanksgiving, for all the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us.  Decorating around our house is banned until after Thanksgiving.  Oh, we might work on some outdoor lights during the week of Thanksgiving, but they don't get turned on until the day after the turkey has been eaten!

Monday, October 10, 2011

283/365 Stadium Practice

Today the kids have a school holiday along with homecoming festivities Wednesday, so they are missing out of some band practice time.  So today, on the holiday, the kids who were able to, went to the school to practice in the stadium.  It's rare that they get to practice in the stadium.  So of course, my pooch, Cash, and I had to go to the school to check it out.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

282/365 Angelonia

Angelonia handle the Texas heat really well, but even they are enjoying the somewhat cooler temps of early fall.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

281/365 Congrats to the Band

Today was a fun day.  I got to see my boys march with the Flower Mound High School Band.  They placed first in their competition today.  I want to get a nice picture of the entire band, but my camera lens is not wide enough, so I'm sharing this one of a pose they do during a portion of the show.  My boys are both in this photo.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

279/365 The Last of the Summer Zinnias

These are the last of the summer zinnias. The plants these were on were getting too leggy and needed to be pulled out. Next year I'm going to sprinkle some seeds in mid-summer, so that I'll have a bunch of new zinnia plants in the fall.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

277/365 Recipe Cards

I love my recipe box.  In today's age of internet recipes and printing recipes on copy paper, I still prefer a recipe card.  I love that some of these were from my mom, and probably from my grandmother.  I also have internet recipes filed in a binder, but I'd like to write my favorites on cards and put them in this box, to be handed down again and again and again.  (texture by SKC Photography)

Monday, October 3, 2011

276/365 Pineapple

Arghh, I let the day go by again without giving thought to my picture of the day.  So I slapped on my small extension tube and grabbed the pineapple.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

275/365 "Is That For Me?

After dinner, Scout hopped up into the chair and was eyeing the extra piece of salmon.  I love how his eyes get all squinty when he smells something good!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

274/365 Belle Epoque

Today the Flower Mound High School Band will compete for the first time at Bands of America Regional Competition in Arlington, TX.  The show is named Belle Epoque and has a french theme.  It's a beautiful show and I'm hoping they have a good showing and that they have lots of fun today.  The students, directors and parent crew members have worked very hard.