Saturday, April 30, 2011

120/365 Coming Down the Home Stretch

I've been working on this birdbath for what seems forever.  I work on it for a while and then let it sit several weeks or months.  Well, I'm almost done with gluing!  Just have to finish the edge with the blue glass and then put something on the top edge.  I don't like the bottom of the bowl at all, but it'll stay as is.  I'm not going to redo it.  I hope the beads stay on.  They are from a necklace that belonged to my mother-in-law.  She really loved birds and it was my husband's idea to add them.  I think they add a nice, meaningful touch.  My cutting of the blue stained glass is pretty pitiful.  But I've decided to embrace imperfection!!   After gluing, I will grout, a small section at a time.  Woohoo, I'm almost finished!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

119/365 Family Movie Night

The entire family actually watched a movie tonight!  Sorry about the handheld/lowlight blur.  I was too lazy to get up and get the tripod.  Can you tell what the movie is?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

118/365 Nandina

I really like nandinas.  There are several types and they are very popular in our part of Texas.  We also had many of them when we lived in California.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

117/365 My Helper

Scout loves to play on the bed when I'm changing the sheets!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

116/365 Teenage Boys and Food

I filled this up and two days later...  I didn't actually witness the pretzels being consumed, but all indications suggest that it was a teen boy, or two.  If I had lined up three or four jars full of pretzels, they would all look like this after a couple days.  It doesn't matter how much food I bring into the house, especially snacky-type foods like pretzels, it will ALL be consumed quickly.  Even the hidden food gets found!  Gotta love 'em!

Monday, April 25, 2011

115/365 Anniversary Flowers

Yesterday, Gary and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.  He brought me some beautiful roses on Friday.  Creamy white with a little reddish pink tinge on the edges.  I haven't used a texture for awhile, so brought one out on this photo.  It's a texture from a Flickr contact, named ellenvd.  She has some fabulous textures.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

114/365 He is Risen

Happy Easter!  For those of you who aren't familiar with the town I live in, these crosses are in Flower Mound, Texas.  Yes, there really is a mound called The Flower Mound!  And every Easter, crosses are put up and there are sunrise services held there.  It's a protected piece of land, with nothing built on it.  It's beautiful when the wildflowers are blooming.  There weren't many in bloom yet when I took this photo, but fortunately there were these indian paintbrushes.  It'll probably be full of various blooms in a couple of weeks.  I saw lots of buds when I was there. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

113/365 Focus

I took several photos of these crosses.  Some turned out pretty nice.   My favorites included those with pretty flowers in the foreground, nicely in focus, with blurred out crosses in the background.  My original thought when I went to shoot this morning was to take a shot like that and post one today for my project.  But after coming home, I thought, no, no pretty photo today.  I decided that making the flowers the focus and leaving the crosses blurred in the background was not the best shot for today.  It did make for a pretty photo, but you see, there was nothing pretty about the crucifixion.  Jesus paid for our sins and did it by death on a cross. They drove nails through Jesus' hands and feet and left him to hang there.  I don't think any of us can imagine how horrific that was.  Yet He loved us so much to endure it - for US, you and me.  Tomorrow we will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior and there will be much celebrating over his victory over death.  Tomorrow we celebrate that we have Hope because of what He did for us.  But for today, we need to see the cross clearly, in full focus, without the distraction of pretty flowers in the foreground.

Friday, April 22, 2011

112/365 Tuckered Out

It was about 9:00 p.m. when I realized I hadn't taken a photo today for my project.  So of course, the dog was an easy subject, since he was sleeping!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

111/365 Promise

Sometimes I think there's as much beauty in a bud as in a bloom, maybe even more, because of the promise of something beautiful about to happen.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

109/365 Projects

My son, Kevin, is working on a school project today.  He is making a Dinka cow necklace, which is part of his Leap English project on the Dinka African tribe.  I'm not sure what he's listening to as he does it, but he's usually listening to music while he does homework of any sort.  It helps him get it done, so I'm all for it!

Monday, April 18, 2011

108/365 Seeing Clearly

My oldest son had an eye checkup today.  Lots of spiffy glasses in our eye doctor's office.  We didn't need to choose any today, but whenever I need to get glasses, I'm so overwhelmed by all the choices.  Thankfully, there are terrific ladies there who help me make my decision. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

107/365 Garden Tour

Today Gary and I went to Southlake (TX) for a garden tour.  Six families opened their gardens for viewing.  They were all very beautiful, of course, and we came home with many ideas for our small yard.  This pond was at one of the tour stops.  It was very different than the other gardens, because it was designed to be a wildlife habitat.  It was a wonderful way to spend a few hours on this beautiful Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

106/365 What I Should Have Done Today

I bought these flowers Thursday.  I made sure I didn't buy too many at one time, because I usually don't get them planted right away.  I had planned to get them in the ground today, and take a picture of them in their new home.  But my mosaics were calling me, so I did that instead.  So these little guys will have to wait until tomorrow.  I also need to clean up those leaves on the grass, remnants from our wild winds yesterday!

Friday, April 15, 2011

105/365 "I'm Beautiful Too"

When we think of the word "beautiful", often what comes to mind are things like flowers, mountains, trees, the sky, oceans, etc.  We don't usually think of those things that might kind of creep us out - like lizards.  But if you REALLY look closely at this lizard, you can see the intricacy of design that is there.  And I do think it's beautiful.  If you can, save this photo and then zoom in close.  I was amazed when I looked closely at this Texas Spiny Lizard that hangs out in my yard.  Those spines get tinier and tinier and go all the way down to her toes. And the texture around her eyes, so cool!  (Oh how I wish I had a macro lens today!)  It was a little bright where I took her photo, but she likes to be in the sun to stay warm.  I could have shaded her, but she probably would have moved.   She was kind enough to stay put while I got within about a foot of her.  I've decided to name her Sally.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

104/365 Flower Shopping

I went to the nursery today.  I love going on Thursday, because they are getting stocked up for the weekend.  I didn't have lots of time, which was good, because I didn't have time to buy too much.  Going to the nursery for the first time of the season is kind of like going to the grocery store hungry.  But I didn't get more than I can plant in a couple hours.  While I was there I took a few photos.  I had another one similar to this one.  One had the front flower focused, one had the back flower focused.  Thing learned today - vary the aperture.  If I'd changed it just a little, I might have gotten them both in focus.  But I still really like it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

102/365 Whassup?

We took Cash to the dog park again today.  It's his second time there.  He loved it and my husband, Gary, and I enjoyed watching him have fun with all the other dogs.  Today I'm breaking the rules by posting two photos, because I liked the one of Cash greeting his new buddies but the other one is the only one I got of him in focus!  The thing I learned today is that I need to use a faster shutter speed when shooting him while he's running.

Monday, April 11, 2011

101/365 Home Sweet Home

This is a shot of our house.  We cleaned up the flower beds this weekend.  My kids want to get yard of the month sometime this year and my older son told me it looks good, but we need to add some color.  So later this week, when the nursery gets some new stock, I'll get some color.  I wish I'd gotten our oak tree in this photo.  Maybe I'll take another when the colorful plants are in full bloom.  Oh, and for those who are not from this area, those signs are for my kids.  They are each in the band, in trumpet and percussion.  I don't know if yard signs are popular in other parts of the country.  I first saw them when we moved here.  Whatever activity your child is in, you can probably buy a sign to tell the world, or at least the neighborhood!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

100/365 Every Penny Counts

Day 100 of my Project 365!!!  I felt I needed to shoot a picture of 100 of something!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

99/365 Spring Evening

Gary & I went for a walk tonight with Cash.  It was a beautiful evening, although a little warm for spring.  I envy people who live in places where the summer days are like we had today, with temps in the upper 80's.    Despite being a warm spring day (and muggy), it was still nice.  Cash met three dogs along the walk that he interacted nicely with.  That was so exciting to see.  Before his time at boot camp, he would have barked like crazy until the dog was totally out of sight.  But not now!  This was taken at the ball field at the park near our house.

Friday, April 8, 2011

98/365 Ice Cream

Well, it's not ice cream yet, but these are destined for the ice cream maker!  (Not the prettiest strawberries for a photo, at least not the green parts.)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

97/365 Post Boot Camp Depression?

It might be post boot camp depression or Cash is just plain tuckered out from his two week board and train program.  Poor little guy crawled into his crate and crashed about two hours before this photo was taken.  So glad to have him home.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

95/365 Bluebonnet Baby

It's that time of year when all moms want to have their young-uns sit among the bluebonnets for a photo.  A friend of mine asked me if I could take pics of her beautiful little girl, Miss M.  I was happy to oblige, as I need practice taking pictures of children.

Monday, April 4, 2011

94/365 Isabel Bloom

Have you heard of Isabel Bloom?  She was a wonderful scuptor who was born in Galveston, TX but raised in Davenport, Iowa.  She had a studio in East Davenport.  I think they still have a shop there, but there is also a large Isabel Bloom store in Moline, IL.  As a girl, Isabel Bloom used to sculpt animals from clay dug up from the banks of the Mississippi River.   To this day, many of her designs are animals.  She also has many sculptures of children.  She uses local concrete mixes and river rocks in her designs.  I use the present tense; however, Mrs. Bloom died in 2001.  Donna Young is the artist who carries on today, yet the designs still carry the Bloom name.  This quail was a gift to me from my husband.  He bought it for me when we were in Moline visiting my aunt.  My aunt also gave me an Isabel Bloom scultpure many years earlier, and I will most likely include a photo of it during the year.  It was purchased at the little shop in East Davenport and was actually signed by Isabel Bloom herself!  If you ever get to Davenport or Moline, you must check out the wonderful sculptures.  In the meantime, you can check out the website

Sunday, April 3, 2011

93/365 Zilker Botanical Garden

I know I'm supposed to take a photo each day and post one taken on that day, but I'm cheating a bit today and posting one from my visit to Zilker yesterday.  I got home and was able to look at all my pictures on my regular monitor.  I'm going to have fun choosing a few to share in a few days.  This was taken at the beginning of my visit, so at this point, I knew I was in for a treat!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

92/365 Zilker Botanical Gardens

This morning I dropped off my husband and son at a RC helicopter event in Austin.  While they were there, I went to Zilker Botanical Gardens.  It's right in the heart of the city and it is wonderful.  Since I'm out of town and I only have my netbook with me, it was difficult to select a photo, as I can't see the photos very large.  But here's the one I chose.  I can't wait to get home and look at them all again on a proper monitor.

Friday, April 1, 2011

91/365 Ready to Fly

It's late, after driving to Austin for the weekend.  And I just remembered to take a photo!  These are my husband's and son's helicopters.  The big one is my son's!  Tomorrow they will fly them with 50 other pilots and a helicopter funfly.