Saturday, December 31, 2011

365/365 Thank You

Day 365 is finally here.  For my last photo, I thought it would be fun to try a self-portrait.  This has been an interesting project and one that was much more difficult than I thought it would be.  I set out to do it for three main reasons.  1.  to have my camera become an extension of me.  2.  to see more creatively.  3.  to become more technically proficient, both in taking the shot and editing it when necessary or for enhancement.  I believe I achieved those goals in small measure, but have so much more to learn.  Most days have been fun, especially when I had a shot in mind to try.  But other days were difficult, especially when it was late in the day and/or I felt uninspired.  I tried to take a variety of shots and I'm pretty sure the cat appeared most often.   I've learned that I really enjoy still life photography, where I set up the shot and control lighting and will do more of that in the future.  I want to thank everyone who encouraged me this year. It seemed that whenever I was getting close to throwing in the towel, I would run into someone who would tell me how much they were enjoying my pictures.  Those comments truly kept me going.  I also had a friend doing a 365 project, and we lifted each other up when we thought we could not stand to take another photo.   My husband was a great encourager too, and my boys were such good sports when I asked them to pose for me or hold a reflector.  Thank you for following my photos all year.  I'll keep them on my blog, Facebook and Flickr.   Many people have asked if I'm going to do the project again and I am not.  But I will do something, maybe a weekly photo.  I will definitely be taking photos and sharing them, although I think I'll take a couple weeks off!

Friday, December 30, 2011

364/365 Neon

Gary and I went to a movie tonight and walked around afterward.  I really like neon.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

363/365 I Found Something New

I found something new in my house to photograph in the eleventh hour!  You'd think I'd have learned, by day 363, that I shouldn't wait until 10:30 pm to take a photo!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

361/365 Oil and Water

I've been wanting to try this for some time.  I definitely want to do it again.  I need to 1.  get a pan that is scratch free. 2.  focus better  and 3.  get all debris out of water.   I also need to have more light.   Bright sunshine would be great.  But for my first attempt, I think it's rather neat!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

360/365 I Love Glass

I'm looking forward to getting back into the mosaic studio (aka garage) and playing with some glass.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

359/365 Tradition

For Christmas dinner, we have Swedish Meatballs.  Gary's grandmother used to make them, so now we do.  And we serve them in her covered dish.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

358/365 I'm Like a Little Kid

Don't y'all get a little excited, wondering what your gift will be?

357/365 Heading Home Again

The LAX airport was decked out for the holidays.  I allowed plenty of time at the airport, since it was only 2 days before Christmas.  It was crowded, but not as crowded as I thought it would be.  This counter wasn't even open!

356/365 In Loving Memory

Thankful that I could get to California to spend this time with my sister and her family.

Richard Ray Couch, June 22, 1959 - December 18, 2011

355/365 FunRunner

I came to California, because my brother-in-law, Richard, passed away.  He was my sister Pam's husband.  On this day, we went by his business, Fun Runner.  Dune buggies and sand sports - they were his passion.  I wanted to take a picture of something in his shop.  I had lots of things to choose from and I chose his family dune buggy.  This is not the one that he took me for a ride in, when I went with him to Glamis, in the desert dunes.  That was a two-seater.  It was the ride of my life, so exciting and fun - and FAST!  Richard liked to go fast.  He raced his buggies and won.  Then in later years, he supplied others through his business.  This buggy though, is the four-seater that he built so he could take more than just one person with him.  He and Pam have four children and they all love the dunes.  With this buggy, he could ride with Pam and two of the kids at a time.  I remember when he built it.  He was so happy.

354/365 Airport Security

I flew to LAX today.  I got off the plane and was headed out of the terminal, when I heard music coming from a particular area.  I had to follow the sound.  I found where it was coming from - it was the TSA Choir!  Yes, the Transportation Security Administration - the guys and gals that inspect your baggage and perhaps pat you down!  They have members who make up a choir and they are wonderful - the most beautiful voices!    I stood and listened for a little while.  A gate agent told me they also do a show for Veteran's Day that she said is a real tearjerker.   I was using a point and shoot and couldn't get in the entire group.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

352/365 Rare Event

Both boys are sitting in the same room at the same time, and my husband and I are in it too!  Of course, pizza was involved.  I might even get them to watch a movie with us.  Just didn't feel like taking pictures today, so it's not the best quality photo.  But I think they are cute anyway!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

351/365 Shining Tree

This is an oak tree that is lit up each year at Christmas.  It stands alone in a field and is quite a sight.  It is said that the people whose tree it is, have it lit in memory of a family member.  I wish I knew the whole story.  Is there something special about this particular tree?  Why did they choose this lighting over another type of memorial?  The tree is enjoyed by many, as it can be seen from the road.  I specifically wanted to take the photo in twilight, so that I could get some of the beautiful sky with the tree.

Friday, December 16, 2011

350/365 Christmas Village

Tonight my husband and I went to the high school choir's madrigal dinner.  I had every intention of getting my daily photo there, but I actually walked off and left my camera at home!  So again, I searched around home for a last minute shot.  I ended up under the Christmas tree.  Gary has a Christmas village that he sets up under the tree.  He has a few houses and a bunch of figures to go with it.  The presents go around the village and the train goes around all of it!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

349/365 Pickup

This week I have been picking up my son from school.  This was my view today, as I waited for him to come out of the building.  I like how this photo came out.  I think it has an impressionistic feel to it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

348/365 One of My First

In 1979, I got my first Christmas tree, in my own place.  I bought several new ornaments for it and this is one of them.  It's handpainted and is one of my favorites.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

347/365 Cookie Dough

It was 9:30 p.m. and I still didn't have a photo for today.  Rather than think about that, I made cookies instead, well, dough to bake tomorrow.  While I was mixing, I was kind of liking the swirling together of the cream cheese and butter.  And sometimes that's how my photos happen!

Monday, December 12, 2011

346/365 Winter Concert

Kevin and Eric after tonight's Winter Concert at FMHS.  Eric plays trumpet and Kevin is a percussionist.  It was a great concert.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

345/365 Downtown Dallas

We went to a concert in Dallas this afternoon.  Then afterward we went downtown Dallas to see Christmas lights and the window displays at the Neiman-Marcus store.  This is the Neiman-Marcus building.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

343/365 Happy Again

Gary's grandmother made these.  They go over doorknobs.  The last two years they have been without many of their sequins.  So I took care of that and they are smiling again.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

342/365 Glimmer

The Christmas tree provides lots of photo opportunities, but I admit, I was a little lazy with my camera tonight.  I should have worked a little harder on the exposure and focus on this one.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

341/365 My Kitchen Friend

My Kitchen Aid and I are getting ready to be real busy, making Christmas cookies. You can still see some flour dust from the homemade rolls I made for dinner tonight.  Oh, and those lines in the round silver thingie - reflection from the wood cutting board that was on the counter.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

340/365 Refreshing

I love candy canes.  After I eat one, my mouth feels cool inside.  (Added texture by nacnud on Flickr.)

Monday, December 5, 2011

339/365 Tree Decorating

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.  Matthew 2:10

Tree is decorated!  It takes forever to put on ornaments, doesn't it?  And I didn't even put them all on, just the ones we most enjoy.  Playing Christmas music helped.  I think I need a cup of hot chocolate now.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

338/365 Time for Holiday Sweets

I haven't started my Christmas cookie baking yet, but tonight I did make some candy coated pretzels.  (really noisy picture - I need to work on that!)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

337/365 Brunch

Today I went to our church's Women Christmas Brunch.  Great speaker, food and wonderful time spent with friends.  I decorated a table this year and really enjoyed doing it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

336/365 I Love His Ears

Scout get lots of face time in my project.  Cash doesn't, because he's always moving.  But tonight he was a bit still.  With the low light, though, the photo's not that good.  But it still shows the little face I love so much.  And his ears, oh my gosh, his ears are so cute.  Their natural position is one up, one down.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

335/365 Does Anyone Send Cards Anymore?

We hung up our Christmas card holder.  I wonder how many cards we will get this year.  Last year, we got several photo cards (and I do enjoy those), but very few actual Christmas cards.  Remember those, the ones with the pretty pictures on the front?   I miss those.  The one card pictured is ours, because the holder looks better with a card in it.  By the way, our walls aren't red, they're blue.  I was just having a little photoshop blending mode fun.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

334/365 It Was Time

It's been awhile since I've shot the cat (so to speak).  I think I have more photos of Scout in my project than anything else.  He's such a good model.  The dog, on the other hand...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

333/365 Christmas on Main Street

Main Street in Grapevine, TX is all decked out for the holidays.  Tonight I stopped there to take some pictures.  I wish I could take a photo of an ornament like this and not get my reflection in it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

332/335 Christmas Shine

We have bought our tree, but it's still outside in a bucket, keeping cool and soaking up some water.  We'll be decorating it in a couple days and I'll get out all the ornaments we've collected over the years.  But for now, I've tossed some ornaments in a glass hurricane.  Not a very original photo, I know.  I'm going through a dry spell! (added texture by ellenvd, a flickr contact)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

331/365 Bitten by the Craft Bug

I am getting crafty again.  I don't know what it is, but I am in a crafty mood lately.  I remember when I was a little girl, doing some Christmas craft that involved green pipe cleaners and styrofoam cones.  I'm not sure exactly how we covered them, but this is my take on it for this year.  (And I didn't take a photo of the best side).  I'm about halfway up the cone at this point.  It's really fun!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

330/365 For Unto Us a Child is Born

When I went to Europe in 1980, I visited the town of Oberammergau.  The town is full of woodcarvers.  Their work is magnificent.  I bought a little angel in a shop and told myself I would have a carved nativity from Oberammergau someday.  Well, I was young and they were very pricey, so it was not to be.  Years later, my husband's parents gave us their nativity.  My father-in-law had bought it for my mother-in-law.  It's not handcarved or fancy in any way, but it's certainly cherished.

Friday, November 25, 2011

329/365 Fa La La La La

Thanksgiving is over, so today at our house we started decking the halls. ♪♪ Fa la la la la la la ♫

Thursday, November 24, 2011

328/365 For Most It's About the Turkey

For most, the highlight of Thanksgiving dinner is the turkey.  But at my house, there would be an uprising if I didn't make devilled eggs.  My boys love them.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

326/365 Reading Martha

Today, I had things on my to-do list which required a lot of sitting and waiting (son's music lesson, motor vehicles dept), so I bought myself the holiday issue of Martha Stewart's Living magazine.  I like what it said on the cover...Make it Magical.

Monday, November 21, 2011

325/365 Photojournalism

Earlier in the year, a friend (who is also doing a 365 photo project) and I were talking about how some photo days will be creative and other days will be photojournalism (what I did today).  Today is a photojournalism day.  So, I took a picture of these little pans I just bought.  They are so cute.  I get very excited whenever I get new bakeware or cookware.  It just makes me really, really happy.  First use, zucchini walnut bread (ready to go into the oven).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

324/365 Neon

Gary and I went to the movies at the Shops at Legacy.  This was part of a window display in one of the stores.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

323/365 Bubbler

Tonight Gary and I went to Cowboys Stadium to see a high school football playoff game.  There was a neat fountain outside.  I took pictures on the way in, when it was light, but it looked more interesting when we were leaving and it was dark.

Friday, November 18, 2011

322/365 Hanging On & Another From Yesterday

Tonight, I set out to take a photo of grapes.  Had a vision in my head of grapes in a bowl.  Kind of unoriginal, I know.  But as I was shooting, I started noticing the stem and its attachments to the grapes, so I focused on that instead.

And the "another from yesterday" is a photo that I originally was going to post for my daily photo, but I ultimately chose a different one.  But I like this one so much, I'm including it in my post today.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

321/365 Day at the Arboretum

Today I spent several hours at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.  There are still plenty of colorful leaves on the trees, although it probably would have been perfect last week.  The weather was wonderful for walking through gardens, nice and cool, yet sunny.  There were very few people there.  So unlike the crowds that were there the other two times I've been there.  This picture is of a beautiful, unusual mum.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

320/365 Sweet Salad

Gary & I felt like having a salad for dinner.  And they always taste better when someone else makes it.  So, we went to McAlister's Deli.  I had Savannah Chopped Salad.  YUM!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

319/365 Gary Fixed it Up

I found it at a yardsale for $3.00.  It didn't work, but Gary went onto the internet and found out how to fix it.  Now we can play our old albums!

Monday, November 14, 2011

318/365 Green

Green is my favorite color.  I took this picture because I liked how the scentsy lamp was shining on my frame.  I overlayed a texture from my Flickr contact, ellenvd, to give it a more vintage feel.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

317/365 It's Not Thanksgiving Yet

It's not Thanksgiving yet, so I'm not decorating for Christmas.   I'm decorating a table at our church's women's Christmas brunch in early December though, so I'm trying out some ideas in my dining room.  This is a closeup of a small part of the table setting.